Rishi's Homepage


I work in software industry. Most of the technology I work in were not even invented 10 years back. Now the technology evolves so rapidly.

Only consistent is constant learning. It also makes my job very exciting. As Henry Ford said - “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young”.

I’ve made it my life priority to continue to learn and grow. So when I read an article on NYTimes about a course on learning, I knew it would be time well spent to understand deeper on the learning aspects.

Course Structure

The course is available on Coursera. The course is free to study (they call it free to audit). The completion certificate, if you want one, costs $49.

The course is divided in in 4 modules, one to be done per week as suggested. It took me average 3-4 hours per week. So, it is not a massive time commitment. And of course, the return on time investment is amazing.

Week 1 - What is Learning?

Week 1 Theme

The focus of this week is to explain what is learning and how do we learn. Barbara shares her own learning journey. She was an average student and believed she will be an average student. But by right way of learning, she transformed herself. It is a fantastic journey. Also, some of the key takeaways from this week:

Focused vs Diffused Mode



Practice Makes Permanent

Working Memory vs Long Term Memory


Importance of Sleep in learning

Week 2 - Chunking

Week 2 Theme

This week is about chunks. Chunks are compact packages of information that your mind can easily access. This week focus on how you can form chunks and how you can use them to improve your understanding and creativity with the material


Chunk 1



Motivation and Neurons





Week 3 - Procrastination and Memory

Week 3 Theme

This week digs deeper into two seemingly unrelated ideas - Long Term Memory and Procrastination. They are linked for learning, as it is time consuming process to solidify learning in long term memory so it is easily available in short term memory. You do not want to procrastinate on this.


Habit Forming

  1. The cue: The event happened. The cue are usually
  2. Location: You do something
    1. Time: You do something
    2. How you feel: Low energy, grab bar
    3. Reactions: Text message came, check phone, check instagram
  3. The routine: The action that has to be taken.
  4. The reward: Give reward to link activity to pleasure.
  5. The belief: The mindset to believe that you can change.


Process vs Product

Visual Memory

Long Term Memory


Memory Palace

Memory Palace

Summary of Week 3

Week 4 - Advanced Learning and Unlocking the potential

This week theme is learning tips


Imposter Syndrome:

Test Taking

Importance of Thought

Final Thoughts on the Course

It is a great course, well explaining how we learn and also giving tips on how to approach learning. Few of the things I am going to implement from this:

  1. Pomodoro Technique: I’m already doing this for some time, and now my belief is re-affirmed in this. 25min of Focus, 5 min of break. Attempt to get 6-8 good Pomodoro done in one working day.

  2. Spaced Repetition: I’ve started to use Anki as the software based flash cards. Anki deploys spaced repetition method to learn. You can make your flashcards. It tests you on the flashcards. Cards where you guessed wrong answer are repeated more frequently than cards where you guessed right answer. After hearing about it for years, I’ve started to use it now. Infact, there are many pre-created flash cards on Anki (shared by community users). I’m very excited about this software now.

  3. Memory Palace: To be applied

  4. Habit Forming: Already aware of most of it, thanks to BJ Foggs and James Clear work on habit forming.

  5. Importance of Sleep: Importance of sleep keeps on coming up in all aspects, be it be learning, or sports performance. If one has to perform at optimum level, sleep has to be given the right priority it deserves.