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In the previous post, we covered the basics about Nutrition.

Today we will dig deeper into Carbs, and particularly sugar.

Blood Sugar

You must be aware of Blood Fasting Test. Normal non-diabetes Fasting blood sugar is 70-100mg/dl.

Let us use this range, and do some basic maths now.

Human has average blood sugar of 3.5-5gm. That is ONE teaspoon of sugar. In the entire blood stream.

Blood Sugar

Anything more than this is toxic.

The Role of Insulin

Luckily, human body has evolved to handle such conditions.

When we eat Sugar (in direct form or Simple Carbs), our body gets into action:

Insulin acting as key to store fat

Insulin Resistance (IR): Over time, chronic daily insults and stress on the pancreas to produce insulin several times a day eventually insulin resistance will develop. Now when cells become insulin resistant metabolic syndrome of one sort or another begin to develop. This is the onset of diabetes.

Insulin and Blood Sugar!

Carboydrates == Sugar

Most health conscious people know sugar is “BAD”. However, we do not realize easily digestible carbohydrates breakdown into SUGAR in your bloodstream!
This includes rice, whole-grains, potatoes, many fruits, some nuts, beans/legumes and other foods people commonly believe are healthy and should be eaten in abundance.

Rice and Sugar

Diabetes has become a worldwide health crisis.

Diabetes in India

In next post, we will discuss on some steps we can take for better insulin management.