Rishi's Homepage

I recently built a website from scratch for a friend. This article captures my notes.

Step1 : Deciding on the Framework

First step to build a website is to clearly define the goal. That will help to arrive at the framework choice.

In this case, goals were:

  1. Blogging : Prime purpose of building this website was to write articles.
  2. Support of Custom Domain : Your website is your identity on the internet. Having a custom domain just looks more professional. And with cost under INR 1000/- per year, there is no reason not to have a custom domain.
  3. Ease of Operation : My friend, though super smart, is not from Software field. Ease of daily usage was crucial.
  4. Low Recurring Cost : As it was a blog based website, with a potential hit of 10k subscribers in first year, focus was not to spend extra money on complicated domain based hosting.

With all these goals, I picked

  1. Framework : Jekyll with Theme Beautiful-Jekyll

    Jekyll Advantages

    • Effortless to use
    • Create Static Websites - so website is lightweight, rapid to load
    • Free Software
    • Supported by GitHub pages.
    • Multiple Themes supported. So website look can be customized quickly.
  2. Hosting : GitHub Pages

    • Free to use for personal websites
    • Support for Custom Domain
    • Support for https
  3. Domain Registrar : Google Domains

    • Clean Interface, less spammy than GoDaddy.

Step 2 : Creating Website

We will be creating and storing the website on GitHub. We will be copying a pre-existing theme and customize it as per our need.

Scroll down to see the steps involved, but here is a 40-second video just as a reference as you work through the steps.

  1. Create login on GitHub

    1. Visit GitHub.com and click on the “Sign up” button on the upper right. Write your desired username. This will be visible to others, identify you on GitHub, and also be part of your site’s URL; for example, the author’s GitHub username is rishisareen and his demo Jekyll site’s URL is http://rishisareen.github.io/. Also write your desired email address and password, then click “Create an account”.
    2. On the next page, click the “Choose” button next to the “Free” plan option, ignore the “Help me set up an organization next” checkbox, and click “Finish sign up”.
    3. Optional: Visit https://github.com/settings/profile to add a full name (can be your real name, GitHub user name, or something else) and other public profile information, if desired.
  2. Fork the Beautiful-Jekyll theme

    Fork this project by going to https://github.com/daattali/beautiful-jekyll and clicking the *Fork* button at the top right corner of this page. Forking means that you now copied this entire project and all the files into your account.

  3. Rename the project to <yourusername>.github.io

    Click on Settings at the top (the cog icon) and on that page you’ll have an option to rename the project (Repository name). This will create a website with the Beautiful Jekyll template that will be available at https://<yourusername>.github.io within a couple minutes.

  4. Customize your website settings

    Edit the _config.yml file to change any settings you want. To edit the file, click on it to view the file and then click on the pencil icon to edit it (watch the video tutorial above if you’re confused).

  5. Congratulations! You have a website!

    After you save your changes to the _config.yml file (by clicking on Commit changes as the video tutorial shows), your website should be ready in a minute or two at https://<yourusername>.github.io. Every time you make a change to any file, your website will get rebuilt and should be updated in about a minute or so. Your website will be initialized with several sample blog posts and a couple other pages.

Step 3 : Buying Domain

  1. Go to Google Domains
  2. Search for the domain name.
  3. Fill the details.
  4. Purchase

That’s it. It is as simple as it sounds.

A small video for your reference

Getting New domain

Step 4: Redirecting New Domain to Github Pages

In this step, we redirect our newly created domain to GitHub pages. For this we need to do 2 steps

1. Let GitHub Pages know your custom domain

  1. Go to your github repository settings page

  2. Add you custom domain name at Settings > GitHub Pages > Custom domain

    2: Let your custom domain point to GitHub Pages

    1. Go to registar page on your google domains, select your domain

    2. Go to DNS > Custom resource records

    3. Add the record shown in the screenshot bellow. Note that you need to use the “+” button to add more urls.

      Here is the list of ips in the screenshot:

    4. Add the following CNAME record to point your custom domain to GitHub Pages

That’s it. The custom domain is set up and live!