Rishi's Homepage

In Part 1, I showed how to create a new website. In this part, we focus on how we write new articles in the website.

Step1 : Download Typora (Windows / Mac)

The website made in Jekyll all uses a language called Markdown to compose the articles. You don’t need to understand Markdown though. There is a beautiful software Typora. It is markdown writer, you write as you write in MS Word, and it converts it to Markdown as you write.

Step 2 : Copy a sample Markdown File locally from Github

  1. Go to the repository you created in Part 1 github.com//.github.io/
  2. Go to folder _posts
  3. Copy a sample markdown file, or download the file from here

Step 3 : Edit the Markdown file in Typora

  1. Post file name should be in format YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.md

  2. Every post has header, which is meta-data. Update title and date

Raw Format

   layout: post
   title: "MAF Method - Part1"
   date: 2019-03-10 02:46:16 -0400
   comments: true
   categories: running

As seen in Typora

  1. Content

    You can add text, image, table. Basically, anything you can do in MS Word, you can do here. Playing around is the best way to learn on this.

Step 3 : Save the file back in Github

  1. Browse to your github repository github.com//.github.io/_posts

  2. Drag the created file here

    Voila, your new post is ready. It will appear in 1-2 minutes on .github.io, and custom domain too

Pending Parts

  1. How to save the images in GitHub
  2. Advanced Users - How to use the GitHub desktop